Tag Archives: work

An unexpected workout

As the day flew out from underneath me today and I was convinced I wouldn’t make it to the gym, a light bulb went off in my head- we just opened a gym in my office!  But that was not the unexpected workout my friends, it was the full out sprint from my office to make the 8:40 train home.  (I made it :-))

I am attending a holiday party this weekend and would love to bring something that is delicious and not going to make everyone feel like crap after.  My standard is chocolate chip cookies, you really can’t go wrong, but I am leaning towards a variation of that.

Angela’s Chocolate Chip Cookies – Ohsheglows

I know you shouldn’t mess with a good thing, but I really want to do something a little better.  Any suggestions?

Now as I’m typing this I can honestly say I don’t think I should mess with dessert, or impose my ideas on strangers/really-hungry-drunk-people-during-the-holidays.  So maybe I’ll make two desserts.  Plus, how would I decorate a chocolate cookie to resemble something like this?








Filed under Living and Learning